The following basic guitar chords on this free printable guitar chord chart are sometimes referred to as cowboy chords.
To save this chart right click the image as save it to your computer for future reference or get it as a pdf file. If you are looking for an acoustic guitar chord chart or electric guitar chords these will work to start out on.įree printable guitar chord chart. I will list some easy chord progressions that use basic guitar chords after this downloadable guitar chord chart. Why because chords by themselves are like words - you need several of them in the right order to make a sentence or in this case a song.įinding and using a free printable guitar chord chart is very helpful but what is even more helpful is learning to use them in chord progressions. Looking for a free printable guitar chord chart to help you learn guitar chords? You have arrived at a good place Grasshopper.Ī good beginner guitar chord chart to learn basic guitar chords is a great place to start but will lead to frustration if it is believed to be the end of your journey. Downloadable guitar chord chart - Make it yours - Free PDF download hereįree printable guitar chord chart of basic guitar chords