This was actually a lot funner than we should, and the nice old man gave us an extra lily plant to take home! It’s definitely worth it and the smell of the whole place is overwhelmingly lily, our car ride home smelled like lily, and now so does our house. You can also pay 500 yen(at the time we went) and dig up and pick flowers to bring home. Most of the pictures came from there, and if you are reading this and wondering if you should go, you still probably have a day or two left to go! Our main goal was the lily farm, and even though we came at the tail end of when it is viable, it was still great. Or even if you just want a nice open green space, so nice! There were so many random things that are fun, dinosaurs, medieval ships, rope sliding thingies, a suuuper long slip and slide, I can imagine spending an entire day here with kids no problem at all. That’s kind of the theme I think, with kids this place would be fun. I don’t think we would have ridden them, but if you had kids it would definitely be fun. It was raining off and on, but with a thunderstorm warning. This worked well for us, as the time that we went nothing else was really going on.
Our main point was to go to the lily farm, and anything else we did was a bonus. We’ve heard of this place, but never went until now. Lily farm was still worth it today, 7/13, but at the end.
TLDR: Went mainly for the lily farm, was worth it.